What is Watsu?

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues for the purpose of helping to ease pain or restore health. This type of treatment is also referred to as "Mesotherapy" and is founded on the same principles as chiropractic medicine. The patient is laid down on a massage table or chair while undergoing this type of treatment. Although the client does not have to lie on their backs however, many patients prefer to be placed on their backs to make it easier to access all the parts of their bodies.
This type of therapy uses pressure to ease discomfort and relax the body and/or encourage healing. There are two kinds of massage therapy: full-body massage and massage chairs. Massage chairs mimic manual therapy. Full-body massage requires that the client lay down on a table with their eyes shut and/or stay in a room heated. The massage motions in massage chairs are preprogrammed to produce a variety effects, including the relief of sore muscles and full-body massage.
Massage therapy can provide many benefits, including stimulation of tissue repair and increased tension in muscles. A full-body massage involves the application of steady pressure to various areas of the body by a massage therapist. The massage therapist will typically begin at the feet and move upwards. Massage is usually performed to the back and the main muscle groups such as the shoulders and neck, elbows and buttocks, feet and. The massage therapist may also apply resistance or stretch certain muscles or areas of your body.
It is essential to know what the practitioner does to enable you to provide gentle and effective stretches. If the therapist who is watsu uses a thrusting motion for moving from toe towards the tip, the therapist must ensure that his/her hands remain solid and do not leave marks on the skin. By performing the proper stretching on the client's body, the massage therapist can increase flexibility and reduce soreness.
Traditional Japanese massages also contain techniques to increase circulation. For example the practitioner could hold the person's forefinger or hand in the palm for a half hour. By using slow, shallow breathing the practitioner then stimulates specific points on the palm to eliminate the finger. This is called tsukubai. Practitioners may also perform kokyunage, or tapping. This is a technique that improves circulation and eliminates blood clots that are stagnant.
The goal of this kind of massage is to restore mobility to joints of the spine and help to strengthen the soft tissues around the spine. To reduce stiffness and promote healing, light pressure must be applied in the direction of the joint range of motion. To achieve maximum effect, the massage practitioner should not just apply pressure directly, but also stretch muscles in the direction of joints and cartilage change. Examples of stretches that are used in this method include lordosis, or lifting one leg up in the air, and the pelvic tilt, also known as kegels. Prevention of injury is possible through correctly stretching the muscles and soft tissue.
This type of massage is also referred to by the term "hot and cold" because it combines both types of stretching. Both are usually done with cold compression, whereas the other type uses warm compresses. If you're struggling with inflammation and swelling after an injury, you must consider using hot compresses for as long as two to five minutes. It is crucial to remember that there are different kinds of cool and warm compresses. If you feel numb when the massage is being performed it could mean that the therapist is using too much heat or not enough. You may also experience discomfort or pain if compressions are too hot.
Check out the post right here One of the benefits of Watsu massage is that it promotes flexibility, balance and strength. However, because the techniques used were changed from traditional methods to a more scientific method, many of these benefits were lost. The decrease in muscle tension is one benefit that is still achievable. Also, if you're struggling with a lack of flexibility, this massage may help to improve your range of motion. There are also early 1980s practitioners who believe that the earlier versions of watsu weren't as effective as they are nowadays.